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A day in the life of Key Stage 1

8.50 - Children collected from the yard by Mrs Banks/Mr Routledge and taken inside for registration 


9.05- RWI phonics -children grouped according to next steps and taught by either Mr Routledge, Mrs Banks, Mrs Hewison or Mrs Gray


9.30 - English with writing as the main focus


10.30 - Break time on the yard Y1-Y4 (with milk and snack)


10.45 - RWI reading -children grouped according to next steps and taught by either Mrs Banks, Mr Routledge, Mrs Hewison or Mrs Gray


11.15 - Maths- mixed ability groupings following a mastery approach


12.00 - Lunch time, to include outdoor playtime on the yard


1.00 - Registration and reading for pleasure


1.15 - Handwriting taught by Mrs Banks/Mr Routledge


1.30 - Afternoon lessons that cover one or two of the following curriculum area each day:

Science; Computing; Geography; History; Art; DT; PE; Music; RE; PSHCE


3.00 - Whole school assembly


3.15 - Home time prep - gather water bottles, book bags and coats


3.20 - Home time for the children for another day 

On Monday afternoons Year 2 are taught by Mr Ryan and Mrs Hewison and on Wednesday afternoons Year 1 are Mrs Hewison and Mrs Gray