Our schoolcomms system is currently down. For any urgent queries please contact the school office. Mrs Henderson, Admin Assistant, deals with all queries from parents and members of the public. Please contact Mrs Henderson on 0191 2371218 or email: admin@newhartley.northumberland.sch.uk

Data and Performance

EYFS 2023
GLD -    School  80%       National Average  74.2%  


Phonics 2023

Year 1 Phonics - School 66.7%      National Average  75%
Year 2 Phonics rechecks - 83.3%
By end of Key Stage 1  - 96% of children had passed phonics check


Key Stage 1 - Year 2
Reading - School 75%   National Average  66.9%
Writing - School  58.3%   National Average  57.6%
Maths - School 79.2%     National Average  67.7%


  Click to go to the schools page on the DfE Education site.