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NHFS Curriculum and Intent

Curriculum Intent Statement 

The curriculum at New Hartley First School is broad, balanced and through our core values of ASPIRATIONS, SUSTAINABILITY and EQUALITY encourages the development of confident and well-rounded individuals. We foster a love of learning and develop enquiring minds encouraging all children to dream BIG!

Teaching and learning fall into three broad areas: 
Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) - Nursery and Reception
Key Stage 1 (KS1) - Year 1 and Year 2
Key Stage 2 (KS2) - Year 3 and Year 4
Nursery and Reception follow the statutory framework for EYFS and Years 1-4 follow the National Curriculum. All staff work closely together to ensure continuity, consistency and excitement are key factors in planning. The curriculum is enhanced by visits and specialist input from a variety of sources. 
If you wish to find out more about the EY statutory framework please click on the link EYFS Framework 2023
If you wish to find out more information about the National Curriculum please click on the link National Curriculum 
If you have any questions or wish to find out more about our curriculum please contact the school office