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A day in the life of Early Years

In Early Years we follow the Foundation Stage Curriculum supported by Development Matters. The curriculum is split into 7 areas of development.

There are 3 prime areas; Communication and Language, Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Physical Development.  There are 4 specific areas; Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding of the World and Expressive Arts and Design. 

Reception children are assessed within the first 6 weeks of starting school following the statutory Reception Baseline Assessment. At the end of Reception children are assessed against 17 Early Learning Goals. 

In Nursery we primarily concentrate on the Prime areas of the Early Years Curriculum, these are Communication and Language, Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Physical Development.

In Nursery we complete our own baseline to gather the children’s individual starting points. 

We also deliver daily phonic sessions following guidance from RWI.

Each half term we have a different theme to base our learning around, however Early Years at New Hartley First School is all about following the children’s interests and ensuring we challenge and support through play.



 A Typical Day in Nursery

8.50 - 9.00 - Welcome the children into school, self-registration 

9.00 - Dough Disco/Run

9.15  - Story of the week

9.30 - 10.20 - Indoor/Outdoor Learning with focus activity

10.20 - 10.35 - Snack with focused activity 

10.35 - 11.10 - Indoor/Outdoor Learning continued

11.10 - Focused activity - Maths 

11.20 - (Wednesday only) Home time for Nursery 1 children

11.30 -12.30 - Lunch time 

12.30 - Self-Registration

12.35 - 12.50 - Storytime and songs  

12.50 - (Wednesday only) Welcome to Nursery 2 children

12.50 - 1.15 - Ring games/Lycra/Parachute/Squiggle Whilst you Wiggle

1.15  - Plan time

1.30 - 2.40 - Do time

2.40  - Review time

3.00 - Story /Rhyme time

Get ready for home

3.20 - Home time



A Typical Day in Reception

Timetable is subject to change to meet the needs of the children

8.50 - 9.00 - Welcome the children into school, self-registration, days of the week

9.05 - Phonics RWI

9.30  - Introduction to tasks/Story

9.30 - 10.15 - Continuous Provision

10.15 - 10.30 - Snack with focused activity (PSED)

10.30 - 10.45 - Playtime

10.45 - Reading RWI

11.15 - Continuous Provision continued

11.45 - Maths/Topic

12.00 - Lunch time

1.00 - Registration

1.05 - Maths/Topic/Handwriting 

1.20 - Plan time

1.30-2.30  - Do time - Enhancements and adult led activities (linked with all areas of Development Matters, specifically EAD and UW)

2.40 - Review time

2.55  - Story time

3.10 - Golden ticket

Get ready for home

3.20 - Home time