The online portal for admission to Reception is now open and will close on 15 January 2025.


SEND Co-ordinator: Mrs L McAthey

New Hartley First School

Telephone: 0191 2371218



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At New Hartley First School, we believe that provision for pupils with SEND is good, based on our most recent Ofsted inspection (2016) and consistent professional reflection.

We actively encourage parents to support us with their child’s learning.  The effectiveness of provision made for children and young people with SEND is monitored by a proactive governor nominated for SEND (Mrs J Foster). Our school Special Educational Needs and Disability Coordinator (SENDCO) Mrs McAthey meets with Mrs Foster, on a termly basis, together they review the interventions taking place and a written report is submitted to the Full Governing Body.  


All schools must prepare a report containing SEND information.

‘SEND information’ is:

(a) such information as may be prescribed about the implementation of the governing body’s policy for pupils at the school with special educational needs;

(b) information as to:

  • the arrangements for the admission of disabled persons as pupils at the school;
  • the steps taken to prevent disabled pupils from being treated less favourably than other pupils;
  • the facilities provided to assist access to the school by disabled pupils;
  • the accessibility strategy

 ‘disabled person’ means a person who is a disabled person for the purposes of the Equality Act 2010;

‘disabled pupil’ includes a disabled person who may be admitted to a school as a pupil.

Our policies are developed to ensure that we follow appropriate legislation and guidance to ensure that all steps have been taken to prevent pupils with SEN from being treated less favourably than other pupils. We review annually, or when appropriate:

  • how the school evaluates the effectiveness of its provision for such pupils;
  • arrangements for assessing and reviewing the progress of pupils with special educational needs;
  • the approach to teaching pupils with special educational needs;
  • how we can adapt  the curriculum and learning environment for pupils with special educational needs;
  • additional support for learning that is available to pupils with special educational needs;
  • how pupils with special educational need to engage in the activities of the school (including physical activities) together with children who do not have special educational needs;
  • support that is available for improving the emotional, mental and social development of pupils with special educational needs.

What is the Local Offer? 

The Local Offer is essentially the provision available for young people with SEND. This requirement is laid out by the Children’s and Families Bill 2014 and the SEND Code of Practice January 2015. The Local Offer was first introduced in The Green Paper [March 2011] as a local offer of all services available to support disabled children and children with SEN and their families. This easy to understand information will set out what is normally available in schools to help children with lower level SEN as well as the options available to support families who need additional help to care for a child.

The Local Authority Northumberland County Council Local Offer has two key purposes:

  • To provide clear, comprehensive and accessible information about the support and opportunities that are available
  • To make provision more responsive to local need and aspirations by directly involving young people with SEND, parents and carers and service providers in its development and review


Where can I find information about Local Authority provision for children and young people with SEND?

The Local Authority has published their details of the Local Offer at the following website.


How should complaints regarding SEN provision be made and how will they be dealt with?

Concerns or complaints raised by parents are normally dealt with directly through telephone calls or interviews with the SENDCO or Head Teacher.  Concerns that cannot be resolved in this way will follow a line of referral to the school’s Governing Body.

When necessary, parents will be supported in taking concerns to the Local Education Authority and fully informed of SEN Disagreement Resolution Procedures and SEN Tribunal Procedures. 

Information regarding external support groups, such as Parent Partnership, will also be made available.

How may my child be supported? 

If your child continues to have difficulty even with this extra support, we will, in consultation with you, seek further professional advice. This is part of a multi-agency approach which sometimes includes completing the Early Health Education Assessment (EHA) to support the family as well as the pupil.  During this meeting, we would discuss the needs of the individual child/family and plan together using information and guidance from parents/carers, school and other agencies.
Professionals who might attend this meeting include:

  • Our School Nurse who works closely with some children and advise and assess any medical needs
  • An Educational Psychologist may work with your child.  If so, any assessments and advice will be shared
  • Behaviour Support Professionals may share information and strategies during these meeting
  • Speech and Language Therapists
  • Members of staff from feeder nurseries and the SENDCO from the feeder Middle schools may attend to support successful transitions
  • Specialist Teachers in ASD
  • Occupational Health Therapists
  • Physiotherapist
  • Hearing Impaired Teachers
  • Visual Impairment Teacher
  • Health Professionals
  • Educational Professionals
  • Specialist Teachers within the Local Inclusion Support Team (LIST)
  • Guidance from Children  and Young Peoples Service (CYPS)
  • Colleagues within the Northumberland Health and Well-being team                                      
  • If a care plan is required this would be completed together and reviewed annually as a minimum