Mrs Henderson deals with all queries from parents and members of the public. Please do not hesitate to contact her on 0191 2371218 or email:
Mrs Henderson deals with all queries from parents and members of the public. Please do not hesitate to contact her on 0191 2371218 or email:
New Hartley First School

Pupil Premium Information

New Hartley First School receives additional funding, known as Pupil Premium funding, to support pupils who;

- currently receive free school meals
- have received free school meals at any time within the last 6 years
- are ‘Looked After’ children

Nationally, certain groups of children under perform relative to their peers and the Pupil Premium is designed to help address this. 

New Hartley First School has targeted the additional funding received from Pupil Premium to areas within school. For information on how this is spent please read the strategy report.
Pupil Premium Strategy 2025 -2028
Pupil Premium Review 2024