The admissions portal to apply for a place in Reception in September 2025 closes on 15 January
The admissions portal to apply for a place in Reception in September 2025 closes on 15 January
New Hartley First School


Maths at New Hartley First School

At New Hartley First School we use White Rose Maths as the spine to our maths curriculum. This enables planned sequences of learning in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and the National Curriculum.

We foster a mastery approach, teaching whole class objectives in a mixed ability setting. Children are given the time that they need to explore new concepts, some may require the additional support of resources and equipment or of an adult. Conversely, those children that master a concept quickly are provided with opportunities to then apply their acquired understanding. There may be repeated ‘bouts’ of teacher input and subsequent supported practise before children are given the opportunity to apply their understanding independently. This approach is designed to provide support at each step of learning, complementing our ‘can do’ attitude to maths.

Lessons are designed on the principle of ‘concrete, pictorial to abstract’ and where applicable, a range of manipulatives are used across school to support children to understand key concepts, and to become fluent in methods of calculation. Careful questioning is also used and children are encouraged to answer using modelled stem sentences for guidance.

A typical lesson will include:

  •          Retrieval practice
  •          Fluency practice
  •          Teaching and modelling (concrete, pictorial, abstract)
  •          Use of stem sentence starters/paired maths talk
  •          Opportunities to reason, conjecture and problem solve
  •          Use of daily worksheets which allow for varied fluency and challenge (access for all)
  •          Additional tasks/questions for further application of understanding

For information on how to help your child at home please see the link below and/or speak to your child’s class teacher.

White Rose Education - parent/pupil resources