Mrs Henderson deals with all queries from parents and members of the public. Please do not hesitate to contact her on 0191 2371218 or email:
Mrs Henderson deals with all queries from parents and members of the public. Please do not hesitate to contact her on 0191 2371218 or email:
New Hartley First School

Online Safety

As parents, you play an essential role in protecting your children online. There are lots of ways you can help to minimise the risks and increase the awareness of online safety in your home.
Read some of the ideas listed below and look at the parent support guides on our website.
Talk to your child about why it is important to stay safe online. Explain that whilst the internet is a fun, exciting and knowledge-rich tool, it is also a place where people may wish to bring them into dangerous activities or expose them to harmful material. It is important to be clear that you are not saying your child may never use the internet again, or that everything on it is harmful – it is about teaching them to have a greater awareness and to be able to manage and report any risks.

Only give your children devices or access to devices that you feel comfortable with, and not as a result of peer-pressure deriving from their classmates and/or friends who are also using those devices. Ensure all devices used by your child are kept in a communal space, or a space where they can be supervised whilst using their devices.

Discuss rules for being online and draw them up together, including which sites, games, etc., are acceptable. If certain games are off-limits, try to explain why – for example, because of excessive violence. If your child uses online gaming, consider setting rules such as only talking to others in the same age range and having the conversation on speaker, rather than headphones, so you can monitor it. 

Keep an open dialogue with your child – letting them know they can always talk to you about anything that has made them feel uncomfortable online is key to keeping them safe. Discuss what information should be private and what is ok to share; for example, addresses, names of schools, and names should never be given out to strangers online, as this could allow them to identify where your child goes to school or lives.

Set parental controls – do this as a dialogue with your child so they are aware of what they are not allowed to view; however, do not rely on parental controls on devices, as they are not always 100 percent effective and many children know how to bypass them.

Make sure your child knows how to report or ‘block’ unsuitable content, messages or people online – show them how to block on the websites or games they frequently use and explain that they can always tell you, a teacher or another adult if they experience anything which makes them feel uncomfortable.

Useful links
The websites below offer lots of engaging and informative resources to help you keep your child safe online. 
 With the increasing use of social media and websites such as YouTube, it is important that as parents you are aware of the material available online through sites such as YouTube. If you visit the link below, you will be provided with information that will help you to better understand content control, parental settings, and FAQs.