Mrs Henderson deals with all queries from parents and members of the public. Please do not hesitate to contact her on 0191 2371218 or email:
Mrs Henderson deals with all queries from parents and members of the public. Please do not hesitate to contact her on 0191 2371218 or email:
New Hartley First School


When your child starts in Nursery and Reception at New Hartley First School we complete our own baseline to understand your child’s unique starting points. We then use these starting points to build their journey.
In Nursery baseline includes activities such as counting out toys, drawing a picture of themselves, mark making and observations within play to see how children turn take and respond to one another.
In Reception it is very similar with the added check of letter sounds and number recognition.
Reception aged children also complete the government Reception baseline more information for parents can be found by following the link below.
At the end of Reception the children are assessed against 17 Early learning Goals within the Early Years Profile.
The 17 goals are split across the 7 areas of learning.
Using teacher knowledge of the child and the picture they have built over the year, the children are awarded a number 1 or a number 2 against all 17 areas of learning. A number 1 means a child is emerging in this area, a number 2 means they are at the expected level of development for this area. This information is then sent to the Local Authority, but its main purpose is to inform the Year 1 teacher where the children are entering Year 1. You get a copy of your child’s results in their end of Reception report.